About Faculty Senate

The Faculty Senate exercises the general legislative powers of the faculty and has sole jurisdiction over admission requirements; transfer of credits; withdraws; academic honesty; scholastic probation, suspension and dismissal; curriculum and courses; degrees and degree requirements; awarding of academic honors; and recommendations to the board of trustees for honorary degrees.

The faculty may also make recommendations on any institutional matter of faculty concern such as: policies regarding faculty status, including appointments, promotions, granting of tenure, retirement, nonreappointment, and dismissal; policies affecting the general welfare, working conditions, and the services performed by and for the faculty; and policies relating to academic and professional research and other scholarly and creative activities.

The Faculty Senate is composed of six executive officers, including a chair, vice chair, secretary, parliamentarian, a chair-elect and a vice chair-elect, as well as 45 voting senators, 32 of whom represent the colleges and schools, and 13 of whom are elected at large. Senators serve two-year terms. More than a dozen non-voting members also sit on the Faculty Senate by virtue of the administrative positions they hold on campus.